10 May

by Justin Standfield

Losing the motivation to practise mindfulness meditation is a common experience, it happens to most people from time to time. It's worth remembering that mindfulness is a skill that requires consistent effort and practise over a period of time - as I've said before, mindfulness isn't a quick-fix magic pill that delivers guaranteed results immediately.

If you've been meditating for a while - whether from an app, a podcast or an in-person class - you might recognise some of these potential reasons for losing motivation.  Whilst they're all completely normal, I recommend that you try some of my tips to help regain your motivation.

Lack of progress: Sometimes, you may feel like you're not seeing any benefits from your mindfulness practice. It's important to remember that progress may be slow or subtle. Aim to focus on the small improvements you have noticed, and be patient with yourself. My earlier article covered this in more detail.

Busy schedule: It can be challenging to prioritise mindfulness when you have a lot going on in your life. Try to schedule a regular time for your mindfulness practice and treat it like any other appointment or commitment.

Boredom: Doing the same mindfulness exercises over and over again can become tedious. Try incorporating new techniques or activities to keep things fresh and interesting.

Doubt: Sometimes, we may doubt the effectiveness of mindfulness or our own ability to practise it. Remind yourself of the research supporting the benefits of mindfulness, and start with small, manageable exercises to build confidence.

Remember, mindfulness is a journey, not a destination, and it's OK to have ups and downs in your practice. Be kind to yourself and keep going.

If you'd like some individual, tailored support to make mindfulness more of a consistent habit, drop me a line.